My Top 5 Concealed Carry Gun Rotation

When it comes to my concealed carry guns I practice tactical polyamory. Essentially, I don’t just carry one gun, I have a rotation of guns I carry based on what I’m wearing that day, where I'm going, and what I'm doing that day. That said, there are 5 guns I consistently carry because [...]

2022-06-12T16:21:10-05:00June 12th, 2022|0 Comments

Glock 43 Review: Late To The Party ?

This video should have  been done a month ago, but a combination of April showers, scheduling conflicts, my job and working on Season 2 of NOIR delayed this video longer than I hoped for. 800 rounds and two edits later, here is my review of the Glock 43.  In case you’re wondering, yes, there will [...]

2016-10-16T10:40:09-05:00May 5th, 2015|0 Comments


When it comes to red dot optics, Aimpoint is at the top of the list. Unfortunately, when it comes to red dot prices, they’re right up there again. There’s no point trying to pull punches: Aimpoint are expensive.  I’ve always been enamored by the company’s reputation for making unbreakable optics with alien-like battery lives. However, we [...]

2016-10-16T10:40:11-05:00November 3rd, 2014|0 Comments

HK MP5 Full Auto & Suppressed Review

I love making the commentary videos, but the gun reviews have a special place in my heart. They’re therapeutic for me. I love the challenge of finding new ways to show a gun and share my experience shooting it with you guys. I take these videos very seriously, so it means a lot when people [...]

2014-04-01T15:17:29-05:00April 1st, 2014|0 Comments

Lionheart Industries LH9 MK II Review (Preview)

I’ve had the flu for a few days, which is why the post have been infrequent. I planned to have this review done by monday, but my immune system had other plans. I am finally getting my strength back and managed to start editing again. Here is the preview into my review of  Lionheart Industries [...]

2013-10-31T08:15:17-05:00October 31st, 2013|0 Comments
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