Anti-gun radicals are using the current COVID-19 crisis to realize their wildest dreams – stopping good people from acquiring firearms when they most need them.
The professional activists who want to keep you from defending yourself with firearms, like those at the Brady Bunch and Moms Demand Action, are being forced to face their worst fear. This pertains to those Americans in the political center who are now going to gun stores in droves to buy their first gun in case there is a societal meltdown associated with these unprecedented times. They have chosen self-reliance over dependence. Statists like Shannon Watts are scared senseless.
If the anti-gun zealots lose the independents in the middle, they lose their long-term fight to make the Second Amendment an inconsequential historical relic. Their relentless gun control proposals will fall flat in Congress and legislatures throughout the country for decades to come. They know it and they are now trying to do something about it.
To fight the spread of COVID-19, states are issuing statewide “stay-at-home” orders that mandate the closure of “non-essential” businesses. Groups like the National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF), the firearm industry trade association, are fighting hard to ensure gun stores are designated “essential” so they may remain open and available to good people who shun dependence. They are largely winning on constitutional grounds, even in traditionally anti-gun states like Connecticut, Illinois and Hawaii.
However, the zealots have had three wins to celebrate, as noted in a state-by-state chart maintained by NSSF. The citizens of Massachusetts, New York, and even New Mexico, once known for its famous gunslingers, are prohibited from acquiring firearms because the gun stores have been closed by the state.
This is certainly not how the founding fathers envisioned things when they forever enshrined the natural right to arms and self-defense in the Bill of Rights. The future tyrants they feared are now visualizing their playbook – announce a state of emergency, close the gun stores, and face less resistance from those they hope to subjugate. Perfect, if you are an aspiring tyrant.