Following the news that major credit card companies are giving in to Democrat requests and reclassifying gun and ammo purchase monikers, Mastercard congratulated Congress for the mid-summer approval of gun regulation.
The declaration came after weeks of lobbying from New York’s Democratic legislature and Democratic governor Kathy Hochul (D), who both argued that just classifying firearms as “sporting goods” or “general commodities” wasn’t good enough.
Hochul even said that large credit card firms should “play their share” in the movement to restrict access to firearms.
New York City Mayor Eric Adams (D) was also mentioned by the Associated Press calling for a new classification system: “When you buy an airplane ticket or pay for your groceries, your credit card company has a particular designation for those merchants.” It seems to reason that our policies for gun and ammo retailers would be same.
All three major credit card companies have agreed to reclassify gun and ammunition sales so that they are clearly distinguished from purchases of other goods.
Thus, Anti-You-Have-A-Gun Politicians will have a tool to monitor & flag your purchases.
Following the announcement of the new classification, Business Insider and Yahoo News cited a statement from Mastercard, in which the credit card company praised Congress for passing new gun controls in the middle of the summer, saying, “We understand and appreciate the significant policy imperative in reducing gun violence and see the recent bipartisan action in Congress as a positive step.” We think that kind of initiative is the only way to effectively deal with the sad gun violence that has plagued our nation.