Chicago’s soaring violent crime numbers are a surprise to exactly no one. From 2021 to 2022, an official report by the Chicago Police Department showed overall crime skyrocketed a staggering 41%. Over the past five years it increased by a steady 20%, and murders now regularly top 700 per year.
But while the murder total gets the headlines, it is theft that is accelerating the overall crime spike. The number of thefts last year increased by 56%, and auto thefts since 2018 are up a whopping 114%.
Therefore, it is no surprise that the Chicago Police Department wants to educate the public on how to deal with violent crime. A city whose citizens are subject to such issues needs to be aware of steps that will enhance their safety.
One particular area, the 025th District Grand Central, has been recently hit by a string of robberies. The pattern is that people who are on foot in the overnight and early morning hours are accosted by three or four males in a gray KIA SUV.
The attackers exit the vehicle with firearms, surround the victim and rob them.
By the very nature of the attacks, it is understandably difficult for police to be able to apprehend the suspects. It combines a careful plan with a crime of opportunity, and undoubtedly the perpetrators are gone in seconds.
However, it is always important, especially in Chicago and more especially in this neighborhood, to have situational awareness. A person does not have to resign themselves to being at the mercy of random criminal acts.
With that in mind, the Chicago Police Department issued a warning to local residents detailing precautions they may take and responses to being involved in one of these scenarios.
Citizens are urged to be aware of their surroundings, including vehicles passing by. They should remain as calm as possible when confronted by robbers. Take note of identifying physical characteristics of the criminals, such as tattoos, scars, hairstyle, and acne.
If a person is subjected to an attack, they should call 911 immediately and remain on the scene if possible. Suspicious activity should be reported quickly, and they should never attempt to pursue the robber/s.
Details should instead be provided to the police.
All of this is sound advice and well worth following — not just in a besieged neighborhood but for everyone everywhere. But the police recommendations ignored obvious and effective means for the people to protect themselves, to not be helpless victims at the mercy of violent whims.
First, there are non-lethal ways to protect oneself such as pepper spray and stun guns. While nothing is viable for all situations, these may greatly enhance a person’s chances of getting away from a robbery if they are properly trained.
There are other avenues to pursue, such as personal self-defense through martial arts or MMA training. Again, not for everyone, but the right people would greatly benefit from having these skills as a recourse against violent attack.
Then, of course, there’s the Second Amendment option.
Like every other mode of self-defense, it is not for everyone. But the Chicago Police Department completely ignored this effective way of protecting yourself against criminals who would rob you or worse.
Even in a city like Chicago with oppressive gun laws, it is still possible theoretically to concealed carry. Again, not the solution for everyone, but far too important to simply be ignored.
An armed intended victim who is properly trained greatly changes the scenario faced by many Chicago residents. It is important for the people to be able to protect themselves when they are their only line of defense, and the right to keep and bear arms for many is the key.