In Washington state’s escalating Second Amendment battleground, several bills by gun rights opponents are winding their way through both the House and Senate.
On Jan. 16, the House Civil Rights and Judiciary Committee conducted a public hearing to consider five measures advocated by anti-gun forces. The National Rifle Association (NRA) was present to support the rights of law-abiding citizens in the face of these proposals.
One under consideration was HB 1903. This measure would require crime victims to report the theft of a firearm or even one that went missing within 24 hours. Failure to comply with reporting on one’s personal property could result in a $1,000 fine.
HB 2021 changes the law on guns obtained through buy-back programs. It would prohibit the sale or auction of these weapons and instead require destruction.
One measure, HB 2118, is also dubbed the “FFL killer.” It purposefully places undue financial burdens on federal firearm licensees in an obvious attempt to force them out of business.
Two other new restrictions, HB 1902 and HB 2054, were open for public comment. The former proposal would require live fire training to obtain a gun permit.
Meanwhile, the latter would restrict weapons purchases to an arbitrary one per month.
Just one day earlier, a Washington state Senate panel heard from proponents of a bill to ban the open carry of legal firearms in local government buildings, parks, bus stations and libraries.
In this instance as well, the NRA was there to support the rights of the people as guaranteed by the Constitution. Northwest regional director of state and local affairs Aoibheann Cline called SB 5444 “a blatant attempt to abridge the right to keep and bear arms by regulating it into practical non-existence.”
Now more than ever it is important to stand up for Second Amendment rights as state and local governments increasingly work to infringe upon them. It’s a battle with no end in sight.