The freedom to exercise Second Amendment rights on Colorado campuses ends July 1 as the state lurches toward more oppressive gun control.
Institutions of higher learning will become “sensitive places” after Gov. Jared (D) signed the new law into effect. There is a carveout for weapons legally stored in vehicles and persons, such as police officers, who carry firearms as part of their duty.
Even those with valid concealed carry permits will be charged with a misdemeanor if found with a weapon on campus.
Local governments can opt out of some of the state’s new regulations, but the blanket campus carry ban is not optional. This did not sit well with University of Colorado regent Frank McNulty.
“When we talk about men and women who have concealed carry permits, we’re talking about some of the most responsible visitors, staff [and] students that we have on campuses.”
Campus safety is an important issue across the nation. In their mad rush to enact any and all gun control, Colorado lawmakers removed an essential self-defense tool for those who may face attacks or stalkers.
Proponents of the measure would undoubtedly have pointed toward incidents where lawful possession of firearms on campus was detrimental to public safety — if there were any.
Polis signed other bills this year that establish storage mandates for weapons in vehicles under which the firearms must be out of sight and locked away.
Another requires the controversial merchant codes for weapons transactions.
Colorado gun owners celebrated a huge win, though it may only be temporary, when the ban on so-called “assault weapons died a painful death in the Senate. House Bill 1292 would have prohibited all semi-automatic weapons and a wide array of sporting firearms, but the bill was taken off the table in committee.
They say the first step to solving a problem is admitting there is one.
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