Despite the rantings of anti-gun zealots predicting blood flowing in the streets if more states enact constitutional carry, this prognostication proved far from accurate. In fact, the results of an academic study indicated a negligible to zero effect on violent crime by enabling law-abiding citizens to exercise their Second Amendment rights freely.
Carlisle E. Moody and John R. Lott are professors with the College of William and Mary Department of Economics and Crime Prevention Research Center.
They took an academic approach to the shrill warnings of gun rights opponents and studied raw data to draw their conclusions. What they determined was fascinating.
In an Ammoland report that summarized the study, it was noted that critics predicted concealed carry would result in more stolen guns and cases of citizens interfering with police investigations.
However, research determined that CCW holders are not a significant source of illegal weapons, and there is no meaningful relationship between the quantity of permits issued and the number of stolen guns.
Moody and Lott further found no evidence that armed citizens are interfering with police work in addressing violent crime and solving cases. Their work further determined that most law enforcement officers appreciate armed citizens’ work to protect themselves and others from criminal activity.
Researchers cited a previous study that revealed an overwhelming 76% of law enforcement personnel believe armed citizens play a significant role in reducing violent crime.
These were far from the only significant findings in the study. In the 19 states with comprehensive data, the revocation rate for CCW permit holders was under one-tenth of 1%.
Further, data from Michigan revealed an astronomical gap between concealed carry permit holders and the rest of the public as it pertained to criminal activity. CCW holders were far less likely to drive drunk or under the influence of a controlled substance.
Of course, if results proved the opposite, anti-gun zealots would shout these findings from the rooftops.
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