Not a day goes by that there isn’t a report of a law-abiding citizen being forced to defend themselves from a violent criminal with a firearm. There are not the incidents that are breathlessly recounted on the evening news, but they are vitally important.
One such encounter unfolded late Friday night in Trigg County, Kentucky, when an alleged intruder apparently entered a home uninvited with a weapon.
Kentucky State Police received reports of a shooting, and the investigation revealed that the unidentified suspect gained entry just after midnight.
It is unclear what he was after when he allegedly forced his way inside, but the homeowner was armed and ready for self-defense. The suspect, who was later identified as 25-year-old Austin Gardner, was pronounced dead at the scene.
Authorities released a statement following the fatal encounter. “This has been determined to be an isolated incident, and there is not believed to be any danger to the public related to this incident.”
No other injuries were reported, and the official investigation is underway. The homeowner, 21-year-old Cody Parker, is not likely to face charges in the case if the facts as presented hold up.
The loss of life is never celebrated, but that is the risk inherent when a person takes it upon themselves to force their way into another individual’s home. It is the recognized right of every law-abiding citizen, and certainly in Kentucky, to defend themselves and their property with deadly force if necessary.
Armed self-defense is a fundamental freedom long cherished in the U.S., and it is made necessary by those who do not value the lives and property of others.
Incidents like this repeatedly show that it is a right worth fighting for and protecting from those who would rather see good people be defenseless victims.
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