In less than two months, Memphis voters will decide on a gun control referendum full of sound and fury — but signifying nothing.
State officials last week agreed not to pursue an emergency appeal of a judge’s decision to permit the ballot measure in November, but not before unleashing parting shots against the city.
Tennessee Attorney General Jonathan Skrmetti (R) termed the referendum, which, if passed, will be immediately overruled by state preemption laws, as nothing more than a “futile stunt.”
Skrmetti labeled the questions before voters as fraudulent. “They will not change the law. This is a futile stunt that wastes time and money when the city council should focus on ensuring existing laws are enforced.”
The AG continued, declaring that his office would abide by the court decision and not appeal to keep the referendum off the November ballot.
“However, we respect the court’s analysis of whether the vote should proceed and will not file an emergency appeal.” Skrmetti added, “This is Memphis’s mistake to make and will ultimately be Memphis’s mistake to pay for, as the state preemption law authorizes triple attorney’s fees against cities in violation.”
In July, the city council authorized the controversial referendum to be put before the voters. Citizens will be asked if they approve a ban on so-called “assault weapons,” new gun storage requirements for city residents as well as local “red flag” laws.”
The city is one of the most violent in the U.S. and the world. Last year saw a shocking record of 398 homicides, and city leaders are clearly attempting to deflect blame for their own failures to state lawmakers in Nashville.
But stripping gun rights away from law-abiding citizens will do nothing to make the Memphis streets safer. Instead, it will ensure that only violent criminals are armed, and the good people will be left defenseless in the face of a record onslaught of crime.
They say the first step to solving a problem is admitting there is one.
Well, the Pew Collectors Anonymous is your way of admitting you have a problem buying guns but you have no intentions of solving that problem, because Pew Collectors Anonymous isn’t about solving a problem; it’s about embracing it.
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