Political leaders in some states will not be happy until every gun is confiscated and every holster and gun rack are empty. The only sticking point is the pesky Second Amendment and a Supreme Court which correctly interprets the right to keep and bear arms to mean precisely what it says.

In lieu of their outright bans, states such as New York want to impose every conceivable restriction and inconvenience on gun owners and dealers alike. 

On Wednesday, Gov. Kathy Hochul (D) signed a stack of new gun control laws into existence. Included in her latest swipe at infringing on gun rights is a requirement that signage be posted within the businesses of licensed gun dealers.

These will warn of “dangers” inherent with exercising Second Amendment rights.

They include, according to the state, a heightened risk of suicide, violent death in domestic conflicts and unintentional harm to children.

The controversial package of anti-gun measures includes a state ban on Glock switches, which is a redundancy since the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) already prohibits these accessories. 

Yet another new stipulation requires credit card companies to assign a tracking code to monitor gun and ammunition sales. Several states that respect the Second Amendment already prohibit this highly contentious scheme.

New York’s resounding defeat through 2022’s monumental Supreme Court Bruen decision resulted in a collective temper tantrum by state lawmakers. These so-called leaders expressed their displeasure at being forced to follow the Constitution by passing a flurry of new gun control measures, such as those signed into law Wednesday.

Many of these ill-conceived statutes have already been struck down in federal court. These setbacks include a judge’s decision earlier this month to sweep aside New York’s ban on concealed carry on publicly accessible private property.

They say the first step to solving a problem is admitting there is one.

Well, the Pew Collectors Anonymous is your way of admitting you have a problem buying guns but you have no intentions of solving that problem, because Pew Collectors Anonymous isn’t about solving a problem; it’s about embracing it.

So be sure to hit the link above and grab your Pew Collectors Anonymous T-Shirts, Hats, and Drinkware.

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