New Mexico anti-gunners renewed their push last week to ban so-called “assault weapons,” and lawmakers utilized an idea that is gaining traction among Second Amendment opponents.

Senate Bill 279 targets the gas operations of common semi-automatic weapons as a way to legislate them out of existence. Previous attempts in other states, such as California, focused on the appearance of the firearms and not the functionality.

This latest effort, if passed, would prohibit most semi-automatic rifles and take a powerful weapon for self-defense out of law-abiding citizens’ hands.

Of course, supporters of SB 279 claim that their proposal seeks to curb crime, but that is simply false. After all, these weapons are very seldom used in the commission of unlawful acts because they are extremely difficult to conceal.

This matters not to opponents of gun rights, who would put millions of families at risk with arbitrary bans.

Consider the circumstances behind a home invasion. Usually, multiple attackers are pouring into the residence to terrorize the family and possibly worse.

The best weapon to stave off such a violent assault is a semi-automatic rifle with plenty of ammunition. Having this firepower may be the difference between life and death when a family is targeted for such a frightening attack.

Not only does the bill ban popular sporting rifles, it also would prohibit standard-capacity magazines and feeding devices. Good people would automatically become criminals under this misguided measure.

And the U.S. Supreme Court in 2022 established a straightforward test for the constitutionality of gun control laws. Nowhere in the nation’s history and tradition have sweeping bans on commonly held firearms been found.

This measure cries out for opposition from every New Mexico resident who values their gun rights. If enough Second Amendment advocates reach out and voice their outrage over SB 279, even anti-gunners will be forced to admit the will of the people. 

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