There is no secret about the fact that I love my AKs. However, in America I still think the AR is the golden child of most Americans and will probably remain that way. There is just too much bad blood between Americans and the AK for the AK rehabilitate its image in American minds.
I’ve said it before and ill say it again, AKs are like pitbulls, feared by most people absolutely loved by their owners. Owen from Snake Hound is one of those owners. When it comes to AKs Owen is brilliant. I still have products from Owen that I have yet to review, but they’ll be coming shortly.
I have a soft spot in my heart for ARs. I am a very visual guy and the AR is a beautiful rifle, the ergonomics are dead on, it wields and handles beautifully, and accurate to the point of arrogance, but it can be a bit of a brat and a little high maintenance. The AK is an enabler. I can be lazy, self centered and down rough and the AK will still love me.
The AK-47 will never be Americas weapon of Choice, but that’s fine with me because it will be my weapon of choice, and the weapon of choice of a few others who understand its worth. Like the womanizer who encourages homosexuality because it means more women for him, the more AK hate the more AK love for me at cheaper prices.
I still want an AR.