Recently, I bought an HK p30. Even though they hate me and think I suck I love HK. Don’t let HK fool you, kind of like Cassie and Diddy’s relationship, they may not publicly claim us civilians, but they quietly love us. Why else would they make such awesome guns and let me own them (Sarcasm monday)?
Yes, I just wrote an introductory paragraph that had nothing to do with the subject at hand, which is supposed to be why I fondle my double action / single action guns more than my striker fired guns.
The answer is simple, dry fire practice with a Glock is like trying to have a meaningful conversation with a woman whose entire self worth is determined by instagram likes. It’s simply frustrating. Pull the trigger, rack the slide, reset trigger, pull trigger, rack slide, and repeat. In text it seems simple enough but so does the Ten Commandments and we’ve been struggling with those for years.
However, ever since I got my HKp30 i’ve been dry firing the hell out of that thing. Granted, I am relegated to a double action pull, but if I really want to work on that reset i’ll just rack it, but I figure if I can master the double action pull, the constant action of the Glock, M&P, etc should be a breeze.
To date, I have noticed an improvement in my trigger control when shooting striker fired guns like the Glock and M&P.