It will be a great day when criminals realize that the good people are arming themselves against the onslaught of violent crime and decide that targeting the innocent is too risky of a proposition.
But that day is not here, and yet another example of a law-abiding citizen exercising their Second Amendment right to self-defense emerged this week from Texas.
A 43-year-old San Antonio resident faced the unthinkable at around 5 a.m. Thursday when they encountered a burglar in their home. Thanks to Texas laws that respect the fundamental right to defend yourself, the homeowner was under no obligation to retreat and hope for the best.
A neighbor reported to investigators that they heard four “muffled gunshots” before law enforcement arrived.
Responding officers initially did not locate the suspect, but that changed quickly when first responders received an emergency call from the wounded man. He had fled to a detached garage at another home before calling for medical assistance.
Police and medical personnel arrived to take him to a local hospital, where his wounds were later described as non-life threatening.
A short time later, a work crew preparing to install solar panels came to a job site on San Antonio Street and described the scene to KENS 5 reporters.
Rafael Olivares described the situation as “crazy” and said, “There was a lot of commotion in the morning here. There were a little over 20 cop cars, I believe. They were all on the streets taking pictures of those two houses over there.”
Olivares added that people must take measures to ensure their safety, “especially since there’s a lot of crazies nowadays.”
No charges have been filed against the homeowner, and none are likely. The San Antonio Police Department stated that, just as people are allowed to protect themselves from violent criminals, the state also recognizes their right to protect their property.
They say the first step to solving a problem is admitting there is one.
Well, the Pew Collectors Anonymous is your way of admitting you have a problem buying guns but you have no intentions of solving that problem, because Pew Collectors Anonymous isn’t about solving a problem; it’s about embracing it.
So be sure to hit the link above and grab your Pew Collectors Anonymous T-Shirts, Hats, and Drinkware.
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