After an August break-in, a West Virginia man intending to protect his mother’s vacant dwelling purchased motion detectors to warn of another intrusion. That investment paid off early Wednesday morning, though with tragic results for the alleged intruder.
The Berkeley County Sheriff’s Office (BCSO) responded to a 3:45 a.m. call reporting that a suspect had been shot in the Inwood residence’s garage.
The caller was identified as Michael Marshall, and he told first responders that an unknown person was in the vacant house.
When officers arrived, they discovered 38-year-old Joshua Boone of Williamsport, Maryland, face down on the floor of the garage suffering from a gunshot wound. Personnel attempted to save the suspect’s life but to no avail.
Marshall told investigators that he installed the motion detectors in response to the previous intrusion. Early Wednesday morning, he was notified of a possible break-in, so he secured his handgun and went to check it out.
He reported that he found Boone in the garage and confronted him, and Marshall said he opened fire when the suspect turned toward him “with something in his hand.”
BCSO officials reported that the investigation into the fatal shooting is ongoing, and there are currently no charges filed against the man who defended his mother’s home.
Some would argue that Marshall should have simply called the authorities and waited for them to respond to his mother’s vacant home. However, chances are that the suspect would have looted the house and been long gone before police arrived, and there was also the possibility of the motion detectors being set off by a stray animal.
The loss of life is regrettable, but it must be expected that good people will defend their property against those who would take it from them.
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