In this era of “fact-checking,” gun control extremists should know better than to run around shouting statistics that are easily debunked. But they do not, and an outlandish claim earlier this week generated strong pushback.

Anti-Second Amendment crusaders Giffords posted on X a declaration that was immediately brushed aside.

“NEW: One in 15 adults have survived a mass shooting, according to researchers from multiple universities,” the group asserted. “It’s a startling statistic, yet it doesn’t even include the number of Americans impacted by community violence, domestic violence, and suicides.”

Community Notes, the fact-checker the people control, immediately pounced on the infraction.

The citizen review explained, “This is likely incorrect and based on exaggerated data. 1 in 15 adults would equal about 17,500,000 survivors.”

The National Association for Gun Rights (NAGR) quickly pointed out the fallacy of such an assertion with a post slamming the obviously concocted findings of anti-gun “researchers.” The group wrote, “They are really desperate with these imaginary statistics. This is wildly exaggerated even by their standards. Which says a lot.”

Note that the Associated Press studied from 2006 through 2023 and determined there were 614 “mass killings” in the nation for that lengthy period.

How Giffords made it from that still-too-high number to 17.5 million survivors is anybody’s guess. But if you’re going to lie and the mainstream media will not call you on it, you might as well go big.

Anti-gunners trot out baseless statistics to sway the public to turn support away from Second Amendment rights. No other American freedom is under such attack, and law-abiding citizens must recognize the need to protect this cherished right.

Otherwise, the ability to keep and bear arms will wither and fade away, relegated to a time gone by when liberties were safeguarded and nurtured.

The Anti Anti-2A Social Club is more than a name—it’s a stand against misinformation, double standards, and the relentless attacks on our rights. It’s for those who are done being quiet and ready to push back against a narrative that seeks to misrepresent and marginalize us.

They say the first step to solving a problem is admitting there is one. But here’s the thing: we’re not trying to “solve” anything. We’re here to embrace our rights, to stand firm, and to protect what’s ours.

This isn’t just another t-shirt; it’s a symbol of defiance and a call to action for everyone who refuses to be silenced. The Anti Anti-2A Social Club T-shirts, hats, and drinkware represent a movement that knows our rights are non-negotiable and proudly defends them.

So click the link below and wear it with pride. Because being part of the Anti Anti-2A Social Club isn’t just a choice—it’s a badge of honor.