According to the Shelby Police Department, a verbal altercation erupted around 6 p.m. on Monday. Investigators identified 33-year-old Unterio M. Jolly and said he argued with another man on Smith Street.
The disagreement initially ended with the two parties separating, according to Capt. Seth Treadway. That peaceful resolution apparently did not last as police reported Jolly less than an hour later tracked the other man down.
This time he allegedly produced a firearm and shot the victim in the face and shoulder, according to police.
It was then that the female bystander sprang into action.
Treadway told the Shelby Star that right after the shots were fired, “a concerned citizen shoots back trying to protect [the man] and hits Jolly about five times. She shoots him five times.”
Investigators reported the Good Samaritan was legally armed and possessed a concealed carry permit. The unidentified woman likely saved the victim’s life.
Jolly at last report was hospitalized in critical but stable condition. The man he allegedly shot suffered what were described as non-life-threatening injuries. Police determined Jolly was the aggressor in the violent confrontation and he now faces multiple charges.
They include felony assault with a deadly weapon with intent to kill, inflicting serious injury, possession of a firearm by a felon and assault by pointing a gun.
Treadway said the Shelby Police Department consulted with the District Attorney’s Office and does “not expect any charges on the person that returned fire.”
That is good news for the woman who came to the victim’s rescue. Yet again an armed and prepared citizen stepped up and rescued someone being attacked by a violent suspect. The free exercise of the Second Amendment proves time and again to be a godsend at a moment of crisis.