Such was the case in Orange County, California, just before 8:00 p.m. on Sunday evening when a driver was dropping off a passenger and witnessed a violent attack. Local media reported that he saw a nude man allegedly striking a 60-year-old woman.
The driver immediately attempted to intervene, yelling at the unclothed attacker to stop. Unfortunately, this only led to the nude man beating on his vehicle.
Now that the attack was turned on him, the driver produced a weapon and shot the suspect.
The man was transported to an area hospital where, at last report, he was listed in stable condition.
Responding officers examined evidence that included a video showing the SUV that was allegedly attacked. One neighbor revealed that he witnessed the apparent assault and shooting.
Identified only as Luis, he said he “saw the man beating on the woman, like, he’s like on top of her, beating on the woman. So, I yelled out the window, I said, ‘Hey, got off her,’ ran out, and when I ran out, I saw him pounding on the car, but he was completely nude.”
Another resident, Daiio Egas, told reporters he heard the distinct sounds of arguing before the situation escalated.
“I thought it was maybe kids running around, but then it sounded like grown-ups yelling…and then we heard two shots.” Egas described the area as mostly peaceful, though that changed dramatically on Sunday evening.
Still another neighbor told KTLA that she heard someone she thought was the rideshare driver yelling that he would fire a warning shot before saying, “Stop!”
A second shot then rang out as she fled into her house.
The rideshare driver displayed both courage and preparedness as he apparently stopped a violent assault. Even in California, he should be well within his rights to aid a defenseless stranger.
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