Joe Biden plans to use his executive power to push for gun control laws that would not affect gun violence in America. Biden will only use this executive power to appease the anti-gun lobby and push his personal gun control agenda.

New Gun Control Measures:

  • DOJ to propose a rule to help stop the proliferation of “Ghost Guns
  • DOJ to propose a rule on stabilizing braces.
  • Investment in evidence-based community violence intervention.
  • DOJ to publish model “Red Flag” legislation.
  • New report from DOJ on firearms trafficking.
  • Nomination of gun control advocate David Chipman as ATF Director

Excerpt From Video:

This doesn’t do anything to keep anybody safe who’s a gun owner out here in this country.

They understand that but as it goes (and I say time and time again) the ultimate goal is to gain control.

The way you attack a problem I always thought was look what the problem is examine if there are any consistencies and see if there’s something you could do legislatively.

For example, look at the last 10 shootings look at the last two shootings, is there any consistency you could see and [we] decide let’s work together to solve this so the lunatics don’t get guns.

I wouldn’t be surprised if they actually did a study on this and come to a conclusion this doesn’t fit our agenda.

Washington Lawmaker Says new Gun-Free Zone Status Will Make Childcare Facilities Safer | Washington |

Anybody who sees these shootings can immediately testify to the fact that the vast majority of these mass shootings happen in gun-free zones.

Additionally, the vast majority of these shooters got their guns LEGALLY.

What piece of legislation or law are you going to create to stop these types of things except to put the people the good people with firearms in a position to better and easily protect themselves? I.E. getting rid of gun-free zones.

But they never entertain that thought everything they do with respect to the gun control issue is based around how do you further restrict the right, making it harder for good people.

It’s always a punishment for the good people, never anything that’s actually designed to empower the good people to fight against bad people.

He’s going to announce his head of ATF at the same time he’s going to be announcing all this they’re also talking about ghost guns

I honestly think that the whole ghost gun issue is a red herring.

It’s all designed to scare the public who really doesn’t truly understand this issue on a finite level and get them to agree with anything they say.

Because if we think about it the vast majority of criminals get their guns illegally on the black market or they’re stealing their guns.

That being said, why are we even having this conversation when it doesn’t do anything to actually (once again) make people safer?

Why are we even talking about this with you with respect to the “mighty administration”?

Less than one percent of gun deaths in this country are a result of AR-15s, which they falsely classified as assault weapons

I can demonstrate tons of cases where people have used AR15s to protect themselves, so why are we even having this conversation?

If the goal was really about you getting rid of the gun that causes the most damage.The Top 10 Handguns of the Past Decade (2010s) - The Shooter's Log

Being genuine about it, we’d be talking about HANDGUNS because over 80 percent of guns in this country are committed by way of handguns.

So it’s not about what gun does what, let’s get to the root cause of these issues and deal with them.

However, it’s a lot easier to just say you know what let’s just punish the good people and restrict people’s rights with legislation.

God forbid they actually roll their sleeves up and do the hard work necessary to actually deal with the underlying issues with respect to gun violence in this country.