Students at West Virginia’s public colleges and universities are now permitted to carry concealed handguns on campus. Proponents note that similar laws elsewhere have not resulted in a single deadly incident, and it is in students’ best interest to be able to defend themselves legally.
The opposite is true in Colorado, where the start of the new month meant concealed carry on campuses is now illegal. SB24-131 designated college campuses as part of the ever-expanding list of “sensitive places” where concealed carry is banned.
Also, the National Rifle Association (NRA) noted Delaware officials’ strong move last week in that direction.
The Senate passed House Bill 311, which would result in a blanket restriction on concealed carry on Delaware college and university campuses and properties—even for lawful permit holders.
Lawmakers amended the bill to lower the penalty from a class F felony to a class A misdemeanor, but a violation could still result in up to a year in jail upon conviction.
Current Delaware law does not restrict concealed carry on campuses, but that is largely a moot point as the institutions themselves have policies in place prohibiting firearms without prior authorization. In fact, there is reportedly not a single public or private college or university in the state that currently permits campus carry.
Unfortunately, college campuses are hardly immune from violence, as demonstrated recently at the University of Georgia and elsewhere. It is a fundamental right of young adults to be able to protect themselves from dangerous criminals, and stripping their freedoms does nothing to make campuses safer.
The U.S. is increasingly divided between states that respect the Second Amendment and those who do everything in their power to nullify fundamental constitutional rights.
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