With as much justified criticism as Second Amendment advocates level at Congress and federal agencies, there are times when praise is also appropriate.

A recent bipartisan congressional act drew admiration from the National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF) for prioritizing policies that benefit hunters and sport shooters.

The Expanding Public Lands Outdoor Recreation Experiences (EXPLORE) Act mandated that the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) and the U.S. Forest Service (USFS) construct facilities for recreational shooters in every BLM district and National Forest.

These shooting ranges will be built where none currently exist.

With so much federal effort going toward limiting opportunities for sport shooting and hunting in recent years, the EXPLORE Act is a welcome change.

NSSF Senior Vice President and General Counsel Lawrence G. Keane thanked lawmakers for their foresight.

“We are incredibly grateful that Congress recognized the public safety and recreational benefits of this legislation,” Keane declared. “This is a tremendous win for America’s gun owners and recreational target shooters and demonstrates what can be achieved when Congress works together for commonsense legislation that will improve access to safe firing ranges available to the public.”

Rep. Blake Moore (R-UT) introduced the significant bill, and Keane specifically thanked the lawmaker for sponsoring a measure that will benefit millions.

Anti-Second Amendment forces diligently work to erase gun rights and limit opportunities for sport shooting. Though they enjoyed modest success recently, the EXPLORE Act reversed that momentum and marked an important victory for law-abiding citizens.

The move will also benefit wildlife conservation, as hunters and the sporting public contribute the vast majority of the billions that fund the Pittman-Robertson excise taxes. Established in 1937, the act enabled the collection of taxes paid by firearm and ammunition manufacturers.

They, of course, make their money from recreational shooters. 

The Anti Anti-2A Social Club is more than a name—it’s a stand against misinformation, double standards, and the relentless attacks on our rights. It’s for those who are done being quiet and ready to push back against a narrative that seeks to misrepresent and marginalize us.

They say the first step to solving a problem is admitting there is one. But here’s the thing: we’re not trying to “solve” anything. We’re here to embrace our rights, to stand firm, and to protect what’s ours.

This isn’t just another t-shirt; it’s a symbol of defiance and a call to action for everyone who refuses to be silenced. The Anti Anti-2A Social Club T-shirts, hats, and drinkware represent a movement that knows our rights are non-negotiable and proudly defends them.

So click the link below and wear it with pride. Because being part of the Anti Anti-2A Social Club isn’t just a choice—it’s a badge of honor.