I listen to a lot of audiobooks because I do a lot of driving between cities. In my most recent trip, which I am still on, but about to drive back from in about 20 min, I listened to Glock: The Rise of America’s Gun. I am three hours in and it’s an eight hour book.
I honestly have to say this is one of the better audiobooks I have listened to. Usually, I start to space out after the first 2 hours, but this book kept me engaged during my entire three hour drive. I am actually looking forward to getting back on the road to finish it.
The author comes across as ambiguously, kind of, maybe, just a little, anti-gun, but it does not take away from the information and history he is trying to convey. I learned more about Glock in the first three hours of this book than I ever have. This book isn’t an ode to Glock as it is a historical account of how Glock came to be, but also the role it played in shaping Americas gun culture.
Like I said, I am only three hours in and it’s an eight hour book, so once I finish it ill have more to say. In the mean time, if your curiosity has been piqued, you can grab the soft and hard back versions here, or if you like your audiobooks you can grab it here.