Throughout my years of making gun videos, I’ve seen a lot of comments about how far am I shooting.

I decided to put together this video showing you exactly how far I shoot at the gun range and why.

The gun range I frequent is named “The Street”. (check out everything I keep in my outdoor gun range bag)

They have two types of targets.

There are rifle-rated steel targets and pistol-rated steel targets.

The targets that look like humanoids are pistol-rated targets.

The gongs featured in the video with assorted numbers are rifle-rated targets.Champion Center Mass AR500 Steel Targets 1/4

The entire length of “the street” is 185 yards.

As I walk and shoot, I stay cognizant of the fact that I have at least 50-100 yards of distance between me and the rifle-rated targets.

You run the risk of damaging the target when shooting too close.

That being said, in order to increase the longevity of the targets at the gun range, I keep the appropriate distance at all times.

Pistol-rated targets are a different story.Steel Target Shooting Myths | AR500 Steel-Targets | FREE Shipping Over $50

I can shoot those generally as close as I want.

Not the smartest thing in the world to go right up on the target.

In fact, I typically shoot from the middle of the street which is about 12 yards away from the pistol-rated target.

Some of the while I’ll shoot from the opposite end of the street to increase the distance to 25 yards.

In short, the standard shooting distance for pistols is 12-25 yards and with rifles 50-100 yards.