Russell Simmons learned the hard way and now Jim Carrey. If you are a self-righteous, know it all, who loves the smell of his own farts, do yourself and ego a favor, stay out of the Gun Control debate. We “Pro-Gunners”  are a severely educated bunch, and ridiculously informed on the subject matter. If you think you can simply walk into the hornets nest, kick it, and run, you will be in for a surprise.

Jim Carrey is now apologizing to Assault Rifle fans. This stems from the anti-gun temper tantrum he threw on  twitter, where he called  “Pro-Gunners”, “Heartless Motherf***ers”. It’s evident that, Jim Carrey is only apologizing because he was stung (Even by his fans) when he thought he would be praised.


Jim Carrey is another victim of the Gun Rights Hornet’s Nest. What he failed to realize was, We “Pro-Gunners” really believe in the Second Amendment.  We believe in what this country was founded on, and we defend it vigorously. We’re Asian, Hispanic, Black, White, Conservative, Liberal, Gay, Straight, we live everywhere, we have a lot of interest beyond guns, but we recognize their importance.





My advice to Jim Carrey. Shut up and continue being rich.