The steady drumbeat of anti-gun legislation is countered daily by the herculean efforts of Second Amendment-supporting organizations working to protect the rights of the people.

Another excellent example of this stalwart push came last week as several New Hampshire lawmakers attempted further infringements on gun rights.

Thanks to the National Rifle Association (NRA) and other freedom-loving groups, a pair of bills intended to strike at the heart of the right to keep and bear arms were struck down.

Lawmakers proposed two measures to limit gun rights in the Granite State.

The first, HB 56, would have imposed an arbitrary three-day waiting period for people seeking to purchase a firearm lawfully. Of course, this is merely window dressing and does nothing to address serious crime issues.

Instead, a person who may face a life-and-death domestic violence situation would be rendered helpless as they were forced to wait to exercise their Second Amendment rights—possibly too late.

Another controversial proposal, HB 352, would have mandated that all New Hampshire polling places be transformed into “gun-free” zones.

This means only that those who obey the law would be barred from carrying their legal weapons. Violent criminals recognize no such restrictions, meaning these busy locations would become soft targets.

Some anti-gunners attempted to link the waiting period to suicide prevention, a goal that every reasonable person supports. However, state Rep. Jennifer Rhodes (R) destroyed this narrative with a commonsense comparison.

“We keep on being told this is about suicide prevention,” Rhodes declared, but the very people that are bringing us this bill saying it is about suicide prevention are voting on an assisted suicide bill. Make that make sense.”

It doesn’t, of course, and these defeated measures are just further examples of how far Second Amendment opponents will go to infringe on gun rights. Thanks to organized efforts by the NRA and others, they failed.

The Anti Anti-2A Social Club is more than a name—it’s a stand against misinformation, double standards, and the relentless attacks on our rights. It’s for those who are done being quiet and ready to push back against a narrative that seeks to misrepresent and marginalize us.

They say the first step to solving a problem is admitting there is one. But here’s the thing: we’re not trying to “solve” anything. We’re here to embrace our rights, to stand firm, and to protect what’s ours.

This isn’t just another t-shirt; it’s a symbol of defiance and a call to action for everyone who refuses to be silenced. The Anti Anti-2A Social Club T-shirts, hats, and drinkware represent a movement that knows our rights are non-negotiable and proudly defends them.

So click the link below and wear it with pride. Because being part of the Anti Anti-2A Social Club isn’t just a choice—it’s a badge of honor.