The Second Amendment Foundation (SAF) has teamed up with 64-year-old Marine Corps veteran Donald S. Willey in a federal lawsuit against the State of Maryland. The legal action challenges the state’s so-called “red flag” law enacted five years ago.

Willey, according to the complaint, has been on the receiving end of nearly constant harassment by authorities for almost two decades. Dorchester County officials are alleged to have “relentlessly pursued Willey for de minimis nuisance and zoning infractions.”

One of the principal players in the litigation is Dorchester County Planning and Zoning Director Susan E. Webb. She is being sued both in her official capacity and personally.

The federal complaint alleges that over two years ago, Webb ramped up the harassment by accusing Willey of running an illegal business on his property. Authorities targeted him for allegedly keeping his yard in poor shape and an “unpermitted disturbance to a 100-foot tidewater buffer.” 

These complaints were withdrawn after a consent order on the yard’s condition was agreed to.

But earlier this year, an inspector from Webb’s office conducted a compliance inspection of Willey’s property. This resulted in new notices for the owner to make improvements. Shortly afterward, Webb and one of her inspectors returned without notice, a violation of the consent order. The officials allegedly hurled verbal attacks at Willey before “violently” attaching Notices of Violation onto his boat cover, damaging his property.

Webb then filed an Extreme Risk Protective Order under Maryland’s red flag law. Willey’s weapons and ammunition were confiscated due to alleged threats that the defendant vehemently denied.

The SAF complaint accused Webb of perjury in her actions to seize Willey’s firearms. She also forced him to undergo an involuntary mental health evaluation.

Then, after two weeks, Willey’s weapons were miraculously returned.

SAF founder and Executive Vice President Alan M. Gottlieb blasted the actions of Dorchester County officials. “This is the sort of nonsense we have repeatedly warned about. These so-called ‘red flag laws’ can be abused and weaponized against private citizens who have done nothing wrong. It is an outrage.”