Two alleged would-be robbers in San Antonio are dead after an attempted ATM heist on Friday turned against them in a big way. This case proved to be yet another incident where a good guy with a gun defends their life from violent criminals who would cause them harm.

According to Police Chief William McManus, their target was a man in his 20s who was at a Chase ATM at about noon on Southwest Military Drive. A vulnerable position to be sure, though he could not have expected a brazen robbery attempt in the middle of the day.

But that is what he encountered. 

The intended victim saw the suspects approaching him as he withdrew cash. One was on foot and the other was driving a sedan. 

McManus declined to reveal what transpired between the alleged robbers and the citizen, but the man produced a weapon and shot both dead. McManus said detectives are still looking into whether the two suspects were armed.

The incident appears to be yet another case of “jugging,” which is a trend among those who commit violent acts. This is the practice of targeting individuals believed to be withdrawing substantial amounts of cash from a bank.

McManus confirmed this suspicion. “It’s been a trend throughout the country right now. We believe at this point — and this could change — that this is a jugging incident.”

Just last week San Antonio PD warned the public about the rise of this insidious practice.

“The latest crime trend referred to by law enforcement officials as “jugging” is when thieves follow victims out of a bank or store.

Just last month it happened at The Shops at La Cantera when a man was followed all the way home and robbed at gunpoint.

‘Invincible is what people feel like,’ said Chief Bobby Lane of the Converse Police Department.

Investigators say being followed home and becoming a victim of a robbery is not what most people think could happen to them while shopping.”

In the latest case of jugging, McManus told reporters that his office is not at present contemplating filing charges against the victim. With the dearth of details, it appears that there is much more to be investigated.

This practice of jugging should be a warning shot across the bow for law-abiding Americans to be aware of their surroundings. Always watch for suspicious people in the area around your car and be sure to note anyone who appears to be following you.

As Chief Lane noted, “these suspects [are] waiting in a car and they are watching them, and they follow them to some place where they feel comfortable and they commit a robbery.”

Every responsible adult should practice and teach their family and loved ones the art of situational awareness. Going to an ATM in 2023 is as normal as pumping gas or buying a gallon of milk, but there is an inherent danger. In fact, if you think like a criminal, you realize that this person is both in a vulnerable situation and almost certainly has cash.

This young man in San Antonio fit that bill perfectly. He was in a seemingly vulnerable situation and was likely withdrawing money from the ATM. A pair of would-be robbers approached him aggressively and paid the ultimate price.

That’s because he was not only prepared but also used situational awareness. Their approach did not go unnoticed, and he had the presence of mind to act before he became just another statistic.

Recent reports suggest that some violent crime numbers are declining, and that is great news for every law-abiding American. But when you are the target of criminals, the violent crime rate for you is 100%. It pays dearly to be prepared and know what’s around you, and seeing the next sunrise may depend on your situational awareness.