I watched this video and a couple of thing came to mind:
One: I hate 20 min long videos, unless Zoe Saldana is in it wearing tights as pants or Hickok45 is in it killing steel chickens, goats and sheep with a Glock 26 from 200 yards.
Two: I want a caramel frappachino, judge me if you want, but I’ve done questionably gayer things, like drink a mimosa while having brunch.
For the record Mimosas are disgusting, they taste like spoiled orange juice.
Three: there should be nothing scary about a group of guys sipping frappachinos from a green straw, I don’t care if they have a playstation controller to a drone, you can’t be scary sipping frozen coffee through a straw.
Which brings me to my next point.
Are we that timid and sheep like that the mere presence of an obviously unloaded rifle warrants calling the cops?!
Let’s be real here, if these guys wanted to shoot the place up you wouldn’t have time to call the cops, and if you did, the damage would already be done.
You want to be worried about something, be worried about the guns you don’t see. If the day comes when someone want’s to kill me, I hope they Slowly walk up to me gun in one hand and a mocha latte in the other, while U.S. Royalty plays in the background.
Ironically, you saw some guys with guns, you don’t like guns, so what did you do? You called other people who have guns, to take their guns away.
These guys were doing nothing wrong and you know it, being scared of plastic and metal is like being scared of your own shadow.
I get it, some people just don’t like guns, but guess what, I don’t care much for the people downstairs making all that noise while I’m trying to record a video, but you don’t see me calling the swat team to take away their musical instruments simply because I don’t like it.
There are over 300 million people in this country, who just might do some legal shit you don’t like, but has no real barring on your life.
Three guys drinking coffee with their ARs is hardly Armageddon. The cops aren’t here to cater to each of your individualized sensibilities.
And for the cops, like really? Disorderly conduct? It was clear these guys weren’t being disorderly, I can point to PETA demonstrations and Anti-gun protest more disorderly Than these three guys.
Again they’re drinking frozen coffee through green straws.
You vilify these guys but they’re the same guys that when the real criminal comes in, you’ll be begging them to do something because you called the cops three minutes ago and they’re still on their way while loopy loo Louis is playing find the next victim with his handgun.
You made criminals out of people who want to protect people.
You made criminals out of people exercising a constitutional right.
You criminalized people who would probably die to protect you, you spit in their face for trying to do what’s right, politely educate people.
For the person that called the cops even though you knew they were no threat, I don’t want you near me if anything goes down because there will be no one to call when bullets starts flying in our direction.