Hugh Jackman Joins Anti-Gun, “Not One More” Campaign

Honestly, I had no clue about the, “Not One More” campaign until I came across Hugh Jackman’s facebook post. Make no mistake, the “Not One More” Campaign is anti-gun. There’s no need to distinguish between gun violence and violence in general, unless you’re only focused on the gun, hence, “GUN” Violence. […]

2015-02-12T07:25:19-06:00February 12th, 2015|0 Comments


When it comes to red dot optics, Aimpoint is at the top of the list. Unfortunately, when it comes to red dot prices, they’re right up there again. There’s no point trying to pull punches: Aimpoint are expensive.  I’ve always been enamored by the company’s reputation for making unbreakable optics with alien-like battery lives. However, we [...]

2016-10-16T10:40:11-05:00November 3rd, 2014|0 Comments

Teaching Moments: Talking/Arguing Guns

“Okay, here’s what I’m going to do. I’m going to go around the corner, and I want you to act like you have a gun and I am an attacker coming to kill you. I’m going to come flying at you, and I want you to shoot me before I get to you.” [...]

2014-10-27T13:37:17-05:00October 27th, 2014|0 Comments

NRA Freestyle | NOIR Guest Challenge Promo

Travis Haley, Rob Pincus, Dom Rasso, Gary Russlle Jr., Edgar Jones, John, Wayne Walding, and Andrew Kline each ran the demanding 14-stage NRA Freestyle course designed to put their athleticism, firearms training and mental toughness to the test. Find out who will win the NRA Freestyle Challenge at the end of the season. […]

2014-10-15T09:31:11-05:00October 15th, 2014|0 Comments

Never Forget Where You Come From

My phone chimes indicating I just received a text message: “Would you disown me if I put a Nikon Optic on my AR?” I’m sitting in the middle of my living room floor, decompressing from a long day, and eyeing the coyote-brown Daniel Defense DDM4V5LW lying on the floor. It’s almost 12 a.m., and my [...]

2016-10-16T10:40:11-05:00October 13th, 2014|0 Comments

NOIR|Ep.14: “Born on The Fourth Of July”

On this weeks episode, LaSorte and I spend some time with Green Beret John Wayne Walding. John Lost his leg during a six-hour firefight in Afghanistan and went on to become the first amputee to graduate the Special Forces sniper course. Now, he builds custom rifles through his company 5 Toes Customs. I also review [...]

2014-10-09T11:41:18-05:00October 9th, 2014|0 Comments
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