NOIR | Ep.13: The 5 Minute Zombie Apocalypse

I will never be too cool, too old, or too smart for zombies. I am a shameless zombie movie buff. In my mind, zombies never get old. However, I would be hard pressed to say that I would actually want to be in a zombie apocalypse. However, if we’re talking a 5 minutes zombie apocalypse [...]

2016-10-16T10:40:13-05:00October 2nd, 2014|0 Comments

Ray Rice and Gun Control

I know you’re asking yourself, what does Ray Rice and Gun Control have to do with each other? Well, watch the video and find out. It’s actually more about the inconsistencies  than it is the similarities. […]

2014-09-17T08:21:02-05:00September 17th, 2014|0 Comments

The Good Guys

First time I saw this video live was this weekend at the NRA Annual Convention. I have to say it was surreal, not only because I was in the video, but because protecting our 2nd Amendment rights means so much more than just Guns.  It’s about a value system. […]

2016-10-16T10:40:13-05:00April 28th, 2014|0 Comments

Bloomberg’s Millions

Bloomberg wants to drop 51 million dollars in order to insidiously destroy our 2nd Amendment rights. I say insidiously, because he’s parading this, “Background check” stuff and it’s all a red herring. Gun control advocates have been changing their rhetoric to fit what they think will work since day one. One only need to look [...]

2014-04-25T14:02:45-05:00April 25th, 2014|0 Comments

Chris W. Cox Response to Facebook Policy Change

The NRA enjoys 150 times more support on Facebook than Michael Bloomberg’s Mayors Against Illegal Guns. That’s why Bloomberg and the gun control groups he funds tried to pressure Facebook into shutting down discussion of Second Amendment issues on its social media platforms. Bloomberg failed. NRA members and our supporters will continue to have a [...]

2016-10-16T10:40:15-05:00March 6th, 2014|0 Comments
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