And the defender did exactly that.
According to reports, Yakima police responded to an emergency call over shots fired at approximately 3:30 p.m. on Saturday. When they arrived, they found a 71-year-old man deceased after being shot, and a small pistol was located on his body.
A 27-year-old man told investigators he acted to save his family. He was held for questioning but subsequently released after being interviewed by the Yakima County Prosecuting Office.
Witnesses also confirmed his account of the tragic showdown to authorities.
Prosecutor Joe Brusic explained the shooter’s situation. “In the state of Washington, the aspect of self-defense is always something that we as prosecutors have to evaluate. When we’re looking at self-defense, we always look at the subjective facts.”
He said there must be evidence that the shooter feared for their life or those of others. That person may resort to deadly force if deadly force accompanies the threat.
And if a person is in a place where they have a legal right to be present and faced with such a threat, armed self-defense is normally justified.
Brusic noted that if a person such as Saturday’s shooter is in their home, “you have the right to be there. And that’s where people can stand their ground.”
Investigators are combing security video from homes and businesses in the area to shed more light on the fatal encounter. There has not been an announcement of a formal decision on prosecution, but without new evidence it is highly doubtful the shooter will face charges.
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