Nowhere in the nation’s rich history and tradition, and certainly nowhere in the Constitution, is there anything that even hints at requiring a governmental permission slip to exercise your freedoms.

This certainly applies to the right to keep and bear arms, but someone needs to make this clear to the Washington state House of Representatives.

In a strictly party-line vote, lawmakers on Saturday advanced a measure to mandate a permit-to-purchase scheme for individuals to buy weapons.

Not only will law-abiding citizens be required to jump through this unprecedented hoop, but they must also present proof of state government-approved firearm safety training completed within the previous five years.

It must include live fire.

If House Bill 1163 clears the Senate and is signed by the governor, these egregious requirements will also be tacked onto obtaining a concealed carry license. Such permits have been mandated in Washington since the 1930s, and there are currently almost 700,000 active licenses on which these burdens would be placed. 

The National Rifle Association (NRA) noted that the measure would further establish an illegal registry of the state’s gun owners. This is a dream outcome for those who would erase the Second Amendment and a likely precursor to confiscation. 

There will undoubtedly be massive legal resistance if this proposal becomes law, as most expect to happen. 

Gun rights organizations will be locked and loaded to take the state to court to uphold the Bill of Rights and strike down this inexcusable mandate. Now, more than ever, it is critical to identify and support groups that stand up for individual freedoms.

Anti-gunners know they cannot wholly eradicate the Second Amendment, so their tactic is death by papercut. If enough hurdles are erected between the people and lawful gun ownership, many will decide that exercising their fundamental rights is too expensive and not worth the hassle.

The Anti Anti-2A Social Club is more than a name—it’s a stand against misinformation, double standards, and the relentless attacks on our rights. It’s for those who are done being quiet and ready to push back against a narrative that seeks to misrepresent and marginalize us.

They say the first step to solving a problem is admitting there is one. But here’s the thing: we’re not trying to “solve” anything. We’re here to embrace our rights, to stand firm, and to protect what’s ours.

This isn’t just another t-shirt; it’s a symbol of defiance and a call to action for everyone who refuses to be silenced. The Anti Anti-2A Social Club T-shirts, hats, and drinkware represent a movement that knows our rights are non-negotiable and proudly defends them.

So click the link below and wear it with pride. Because being part of the Anti Anti-2A Social Club isn’t just a choice—it’s a badge of honor.