First I want to say that the level of support that you all have shown me over the years is simply mind-blowing. The hundreds of messages I get weekly are a constant motivator to continue doing what I do, especially on the days where the PRO 2A fight gets extremely frustrating.
However, the things I and other 2a Advocates and content producers have to deal with behind the scenes are ugly.
I’ve dealt with social media censorship for years. For the most part, I try not to speak on it because when I’m confronted with an obstacle I try to spend more time working my way around it, under it, above it or through it. However, when Facebook took down my video about the incident in Kenosha, I was furious.
I was furious because I know the hours upon hours I spent researching, the hours I spent debating, and mapping out with close confidants. The hours I spent writing, the hours I spent filming, and the hours I spent editing and then had to do it all over again because I realized the original video had AN incorrect fact and I felt the original video was too biased.
There is no way around it, social media is the way people get their information and the vast majority of people only use the four top social media platforms to get that information.
Each and every one of these platforms has demonstrated a blatant bias against 2A content.
They demonetize our PRO 2A videos which to the viewer doesn’t seem like a big deal but with the myriad of the cost that goes into producing PRO 2A content only to put a video out and have it demonetized based on political bias is added weight on our shoulders discouraging us from producing content.
We PRO 2A content creators use the money from our videos to be able to keep producing these videos but when our videos get demonetized it’s a major discouraging setback.
The only reason they shadow ban and make up new rules regarding PRO 2A content is that they know our voices are starting to get to the people that need to hear it the most.
There is a 2A silent majority that is filled with people searching for knowledge on the issue so they can learn and then use their voice to protect the constitution and the Second Amendment much the same way I and the other 2A content producers use their voice.
Right now we are at a tipping point and it can go one way or the other because make no mistake, what happened in Kenosha WAS a 2A issue which is why I spoke on it.
It’s not a matter of if but a matter of when will these platforms ban 2A content on their platforms.
There is a good number of us who have platforms that are spreading the word and it’s causing a change.
Not everyone can produce 2A content but you can help.
The most important thing to do is share, share, share, share our content because it’s the only way to sidestep the shadow-banning algorithm.
Starting a new platform is great, but 2A advocacy requires putting the message in front of new eyes and most of those eyes are only looking on the big 4 platforms.
So however you feel you want to help the cause do it, I don’t care what it is, even if it’s just having a conversation, taking someone to the range, whatever, because a bunch of people doing a little can do the same as or even more than a few people doing a lot.
Love you guys you’re part of my 2A Family and Remember… KEEP AMERICA TACTICAL.
I setup a donation page for anyone who wants to donate to OUR Pro 2A Message at